About Us
Welcome to Northern Heights School. We are located at 210 Grand Blvd. between St. George's Avenue and Northern Avenue. Our staff is committed to making Northern Heights a friendly, caring place where every student feels valued and appreciated. Our teachers work very hard to provide the best possible education for each child in our care and to build confident learners and caring citizens.
Parent involvement is a great predictor of student success. Come out and join our School Council, volunteer with our breakfast program, be a driver for our sports teams, or come and read with students.
Our school offers many activities to address interests and abilities of all our students from sports to Chess Club to sewing. In partnership with Kiwanis of Sault Ste. Marie, we are a chartered Builders Club which introduces youth to volunteerism. The Kiwanis Club also sponsors the TERRIFIC Kid program at our School. Our students show off their musical and dance skills at our annual Talent Show each spring.
Check us out on Twitter @NorthernHPS.
At Northern Heights "it's all about the climb."